Sewer Odour Issues

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Sewer Odour Issues

Post by Moops » Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:05 am

Residents of Osoyoos are frustrated over the sewage odour that has been occurring each summer when the hot weather and seasonal peak of tourists visit the town. During the summer, the town’s sewage system experiences inflows far greater than the amount usually received in other months. The town has already made improvements in the sewer treatment facility and has budgeted $5 million for system improvements ... our-issues ... ur-issues/

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Re: Sewer Odour Issues

Post by Moops » Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:02 pm

According to the following article, the odour is most likely hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S) generation within the collection system. ... age-plant/

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Re: Sewer Odour Issues

Post by Moops » Sat May 20, 2023 11:43 am

Osoyoos still having issues with sewage odour emanating from the wastewater treatment lagoons. ... KNkSQ2hsk0

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