Please Read These Guidelines!

Local Businesses Sharing Information about their Services
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Please Read These Guidelines!

Post by admin » Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:54 pm

We hope the business related guidelines below, will help keep this section ticking along nicely for everybody and provide local business connections for newcomers who are researching the Okanagan. Here are some guidelines for members participating in the A-OK Business Advertising section:

We ask that ...

Image You don't register a forum account using your company or business product name - it won't be accepted.

Image Your company operates and holds a valid business licence from one of the cities or towns in the Okanagan.

Image You don't list your company website link as your profile signature. However, you are welcome to note your forum business topic link!

Image You will not "spam" the forum in any way! That's what your business section topic is for! :wink You might like to draw attention to your signature (business topic link) when you provide some info to a member who has posted looking for feedback or recommendations. If you are responding to a question, then you get the thumbs up for also directing them to your topic in the business section & not listing your business name or doing "the sell" on that topic. Please do not take it upon yourself (or someone on your behalf) to cold contact members on the forum via personal message!!

Image You agree not to discredit other businesses in the Okanagan in any way.

Image You acknowledge that main forum rules are still in place. These business section guidelines may also be updated in future, so check back to ensure what you are posting is acceptable within the community.

Heads up! A member's topic or account may be temporarily suspended if these requests aren't met. If you're unsure about anything, please send a message to Admin and we'll get right back to you.

**Please note that Access Okanagan Services only provides a platform to showcase local Okanagan businesses and/or services for your perusal. You must do your own research of any listing made by a company and/or organization and then decide whether their services will meet your expectations. Access Okanagan Services will endeavour to remove posts deemed suspicious, but will not accept responsibility or liability for any transactions you may enter into.

Access Okanagan Web Services

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